{% import "macros.html" as macros %} {% set data = load_data(path="content/projects.toml") %} {% for project_name, project in data.project %} {% if project.lang == lang %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Project Links Package Maintenance Issues Pull Requests Builds
{{ project_name }} github {% if project.crate and project.published %} {{ macros::badge(type="crates/v", scope=project.crate, desc="Rust crate", link="https://crates.io/crates/" ~ project.crate) }} {% endif %} {% if project.hex and project.published %} {{ macros::badge(type="hexpm/v", scope=project.hex, desc="Hex package", link="https://hex.pm/packages/" ~ project.hex) }} {% endif %} {% if not project.published %} Not published {% endif %} {{ macros::status_badge(status=project.status, color=data.status[project.status], desc="Project status", link=false) }} {{ macros::badge(type="github/issues", scope=project.github, desc="Github issues", link="https://github.com/" ~ project.github ~ "/issues") }} {{ macros::badge(type="github/issues-pr", scope=project.github, desc="Github PRs", link="https://github.com/" ~ project.github ~ "/pulls") }} {% if project.ci %} {{ macros::badge(type="github/workflow/status", scope=project.github ~ "/build", desc="Build status", link="https://github.com/" ~ project.github ~ "/actions?query=workflow:build") }} {% else %} {{ macros::status_badge(label="build", status="unknown", color="inactive", desc="Build status", link=false) }} {% endif %}