defmodule Glicko.Result do @moduledoc """ A convenience wrapper representing a result against an opponent. ## Usage iex> opponent = Player.new_v2 iex>, 0.0) %Result{score: 0.0, opponent: %Player{version: :v2, rating: 0.0, rating_deviation: 2.014761872416068, volatility: 0.06}} iex>, :win) # With shortcut %Result{score: 1.0, opponent: %Player{version: :v2, rating: 0.0, rating_deviation: 2.014761872416068, volatility: 0.06}} """ alias Glicko.Player defstruct [ :score, :opponent, ] @type t :: %__MODULE__{score: Glicko.score_t, opponent: Glicko.player_t | Player.t} @type result_type_t :: :loss | :draw | :win @result_type_map %{loss: 0.0, draw: 0.5, win: 1.0} @doc """ Creates a new Result against an opponent. Supports passing either `:loss`, `:draw`, or `:win` as shortcuts. """ @spec new(opponent :: Glicko.player_t | Player.t, result_type_t | float) :: t def new(opponent, result_type) when is_atom(result_type) and result_type in [:loss, :draw, :win] do new(opponent, Map.fetch!(@result_type_map, result_type)) end def new(opponent, score) when is_number(score), do: %__MODULE__{ score: score, opponent: opponent, } end