defmodule Glicko do @moduledoc """ Provides the implementation of the Glicko rating system. See the [specification]( for implementation details. ## Usage Get a player's new rating after a series of matches in a rating period. iex> results = [[rating: 1400, rating_deviation: 30]), :win), ...>[rating: 1550, rating_deviation: 100]), :loss), ...>[rating: 1700, rating_deviation: 300]), :loss)] iex> player = Player.new_v1([rating: 1500, rating_deviation: 200]) iex> Glicko.new_rating(player, results, [system_constant: 0.5]) %Player.V1{rating: 1464.0506705393013, rating_deviation: 151.51652412385727} Get a player's new rating when they haven't played within a rating period. iex> player = Player.new_v1([rating: 1500, rating_deviation: 200]) iex> Glicko.new_rating(player, [], [system_constant: 0.5]) %Player.V1{rating: 1.5e3, rating_deviation: 200.27141669877065} Calculate the probability of a player winning against an opponent. iex> player = Player.new_v1 iex> opponent = Player.new_v1 iex> Glicko.win_probability(player, opponent) 0.5 Calculate the probability of a player drawing against an opponent. iex> player = Player.new_v1 iex> opponent = Player.new_v1 iex> Glicko.draw_probability(player, opponent) 1.0 """ alias __MODULE__.{ Player, Result } @default_system_constant 0.8 @default_convergence_tolerance 1.0e-7 @type new_rating_opts :: [system_constant: float, convergence_tolerance: float] @doc """ Calculates the probability of a player winning against an opponent. Returns a value between `0.0` and `1.0`. """ @spec win_probability(player :: Player.t(), opponent :: Player.t()) :: float def win_probability(player, opponent) do win_probability( player |> Player.rating(:v2), opponent |> Player.rating(:v2), opponent |> Player.rating_deviation(:v2) ) end @doc """ Calculates the probability of a player winning against an opponent from a player rating, opponent rating and opponent rating deviation. Values provided for the player rating, opponent rating and opponent rating deviation must be *v2* based. Returns a value between `0.0` and `1.0`. """ @spec win_probability( player_rating :: Player.rating(), opponent_rating :: Player.rating(), opponent_rating_deviation :: Player.rating_deviation() ) :: float def win_probability(player_rating, opponent_rating, opponent_rating_deviation) do calc_e(player_rating, opponent_rating, calc_g(opponent_rating_deviation)) end @doc """ Calculates the probability of a player drawing against an opponent. Returns a value between `0.0` and `1.0`. """ @spec draw_probability(player :: Player.t(), opponent :: Player.t()) :: float def draw_probability(player, opponent) do draw_probability( player |> Player.rating(:v2), opponent |> Player.rating(:v2), opponent |> Player.rating_deviation(:v2) ) end @doc """ Calculates the probability of a player drawing against an opponent from a player rating, opponent rating and opponent rating deviation. Values provided for the player rating, opponent rating and opponent rating deviation must be *v2* based. Returns a value between `0.0` and `1.0`. """ @spec draw_probability( player_rating :: Player.rating(), opponent_rating :: Player.rating(), opponent_rating_deviation :: Player.rating_deviation() ) :: float def draw_probability(player_rating, opponent_rating, opponent_rating_deviation) do 1 - abs(win_probability(player_rating, opponent_rating, opponent_rating_deviation) - 0.5) / 0.5 end @doc """ Generate a new rating from an existing rating and a series (or lack) of results. Returns the updated player with the same version given to the function. """ @spec new_rating(player :: Player.t(), results :: list(Result.t()), opts :: new_rating_opts) :: Player.t() def new_rating(player, results, opts \\ []) def new_rating(%Player.V2{} = player, results, opts) do do_new_rating(player, results, opts) end def new_rating(%Player.V1{} = player, results, opts) do player |> Player.to_v2() |> do_new_rating(results, opts) |> Player.to_v1() end defp do_new_rating(%Player.V2{} = player, [], _) do player_post_rd = calc_player_post_base_rd(:math.pow(player.rating_deviation, 2), player.volatility) %{player | rating_deviation: player_post_rd} end defp do_new_rating( %Player.V2{ rating: player_pre_r, rating_deviation: player_pre_rd, volatility: player_pre_v }, results, opts ) do sys_const = Keyword.get(opts, :system_constant, @default_system_constant) conv_tol = Keyword.get(opts, :convergence_tolerance, @default_convergence_tolerance) # Initialization (skips steps 1, 2 and 3) player_pre_rd_sq = :math.pow(player_pre_rd, 2) {variance_est, results_effect} = result_calculations(results, player_pre_r) # Step 4 delta = calc_delta(results_effect, variance_est) # Step 5.1 alpha = calc_alpha(player_pre_v) # Step 5.2 k = calc_k(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, 1) {initial_a, initial_b} = iterative_algorithm_initial( alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, k ) # Step 5.3 initial_fa = calc_f(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, initial_a) initial_fb = calc_f(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, initial_b) # Step 5.4 a = iterative_algorithm_body( alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, conv_tol, initial_a, initial_b, initial_fa, initial_fb ) # Step 5.5 player_post_v = calc_new_player_volatility(a) # Step 6 player_post_base_rd = calc_player_post_base_rd(player_pre_rd_sq, player_post_v) # Step 7 player_post_rd = calc_new_player_rating_deviation(player_post_base_rd, variance_est) player_post_r = calc_new_player_rating(results_effect, player_pre_r, player_post_rd) %Player.V2{ rating: player_post_r, rating_deviation: player_post_rd, volatility: player_post_v } end defp result_calculations(results, player_pre_r) do {variance_estimate_acc, result_effect_acc} = Enum.reduce(results, {0.0, 0.0}, fn result, {variance_estimate_acc, result_effect_acc} -> opponent_rd_g = result |> Result.opponent_rating_deviation() |> calc_g win_probability = calc_e(player_pre_r, Result.opponent_rating(result), opponent_rd_g) { variance_estimate_acc + :math.pow(opponent_rd_g, 2) * win_probability * (1 - win_probability), result_effect_acc + opponent_rd_g * (Result.score(result) - win_probability) } end) {:math.pow(variance_estimate_acc, -1), result_effect_acc} end defp calc_delta(results_effect, variance_est) do results_effect * variance_est end defp calc_f(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, x) do :math.exp(x) * (:math.pow(delta, 2) - :math.exp(x) - player_pre_rd_sq - variance_est) / (2 * :math.pow(player_pre_rd_sq + variance_est + :math.exp(x), 2)) - (x - alpha) / :math.pow(sys_const, 2) end defp calc_alpha(player_pre_v) do :math.log(:math.pow(player_pre_v, 2)) end defp calc_new_player_volatility(a) do :math.exp(a / 2) end defp calc_new_player_rating(results_effect, player_pre_r, player_post_rd) do player_pre_r + :math.pow(player_post_rd, 2) * results_effect end defp calc_new_player_rating_deviation(player_post_base_rd, variance_est) do 1 / :math.sqrt(1 / :math.pow(player_post_base_rd, 2) + 1 / variance_est) end defp calc_player_post_base_rd(player_pre_rd_sq, player_pre_v) do :math.sqrt(:math.pow(player_pre_v, 2) + player_pre_rd_sq) end defp iterative_algorithm_initial(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, k) do initial_a = alpha initial_b = if :math.pow(delta, 2) > player_pre_rd_sq + variance_est do :math.log(:math.pow(delta, 2) - player_pre_rd_sq - variance_est) else alpha - k * sys_const end {initial_a, initial_b} end defp iterative_algorithm_body( alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, conv_tol, a, b, fa, fb ) do if abs(b - a) > conv_tol do c = a + (a - b) * fa / (fb - fa) fc = calc_f(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, c) {a, fa} = if fc * fb <= 0 do {b, fb} else {a, fa / 2} end iterative_algorithm_body( alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, conv_tol, a, c, fa, fc ) else a end end defp calc_k(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, k) do if calc_f(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, alpha - k * sys_const) < 0 do calc_k(alpha, delta, player_pre_rd_sq, variance_est, sys_const, k + 1) else k end end # g function defp calc_g(rd) do 1 / :math.sqrt(1 + 3 * :math.pow(rd, 2) / :math.pow(:math.pi(), 2)) end # E function defp calc_e(player_pre_r, opponent_r, opponent_rd_g) do 1 / (1 + :math.exp(-1 * opponent_rd_g * (player_pre_r - opponent_r))) end end